The Unidentified Funny Objects table of contents has been posted! Look at all of those awesome people!
Monthly Archives: September 2012
My story "Unexpected Pigment:" is now available on The Colored Lens to read for free! You can still buy the ebook, if you’d like to.
Go! Read!
My short story "First Date" has been accepted for Unidentified Funny Objects, an anthology of funny science fiction and fantasy! I’m so excited to be a part of it!
Another Super Exciting Sale!
Labor Day weekend was a busy one for me this year, so this post is a few days late. At the end of August, I had 39 short story and one novel submission out. My wait times ranged from 0-308 days, and four of my short stories were shortlisted. […]
August 2012: The Month in Review
For Dylan, Kiefer and Lleyton I spun in a fast, uncontrolled circle, my mouth guard half-out, my visor cracked, and my own blood floating in front of me in a spray of perfectly round orbs. Gloved hands pulled the heavy, black rubber ball out of […]