"Seeking the Great Raymundo" is available as a podcast!
Yearly Archives: 2012
I’ve got stories out in The Colored Lens, Dark Stars: The Year’s Best Science Fiction Short Stories, and Unidentified Funny Objects. You should check them out.
Happy Publication News!
Daily Science Fiction has accepted my story "To Maintain the Balance." It’s got a unicorn in it!
Do you like octopuses? Or octopodes? How about octopi? Well, then you should go read my story.
New Story!
November was a pretty good month for me. I had four stories published, I sold three more, and I was notified that one of my stories was selected as Best Story, April 2012 by Bards and Sages Quarterly. I didn’t get a lot of new writing done, but I did finish […]
November 2012: The Month in Review
My story "The Last of Her Kind" was voted the best of Bards and Sages Quarterly’s April 2012 issue!
Also, I Won Something!
So, Lois Tilton writes a lot of reviews. Mostly for Locus Online, where this month I was mentioned twice, once for my story in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and once for my story in the Unidentified Funny Objects Anthology. She didn’t love either one, but she did mention my name. Twice. So […]
Reviews on Locus Online
For Savannah Angry, frozen snowflakes hissed against Derrick’s window. Cold seeped through cracks in his Dad’s stupid, sagging house and gathered around his ankles. He pulled his afghan off the bed and pulled it to his chin. The scratchy yarn smelled like gingerbread and sage incense. Like […]
Finding Christmas
The new issue of LampLight is out! You should download the ebook and read my story "Daddy’s Little Girl."
LampLight Issue 2 released!
Kaleidotrope has accepted my story "Jealous Idols." It should be appearing in 2014. ^_^