The Kindle edition of One Revolution is on sale this week! If you want to grab a copy, now is the time! If you prefer paper books, you can snag the paperback at 10% off.
One Revolution
I just mailed out copies of One Revolution to the winners of my Goodreads Giveaway. Congratulations to the winners! If you weren’t lucky enough to snag a free copy, copies are available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
Goodreads Giveaway Complete!
I’m giving away two copies of One Revolution at the end of August! You can enter by going here or by clicking the button to the right!
Goodreads Giveaway!
The Kindle version of One Revolution is free on this week. Today is Paul’s birthday, and Friday is my birthday, so I decided to use my free ebook days to celebrate. You can read the book on your kindle or other device, and you can purchase it to […]
One Revolution Free This Week!
For Sabrina, to Her Guys. Prana floated above the silty ocean bottom, shifting her skin color to match its color and visual texture. She spotted a shrimp scuttling along, but she didn’t have time to stop for a snack. Her Teacher had sent for her. She […]
Cuttlefish Skin
Ronnie took a deep breath. She reminded herself that she shouldn’t be nervous. That Jim was her best friend. And that if she waited, stupid Kristen might ask him first and ruin everything. "So, prom." Jim nodded. "The very first on Mars." "Want to go with […]
A Prom Princess of Mars
For Rona Trina scraped the last can of beans into a pot and lit the sailboat’s tiny antique stove. Alan came down the steps and shook his head. "No fish. Again." He sighed. "There should be fish." He hung his fishing pole on its hook, under one […]
Two By Sea
For Savannah Angry, frozen snowflakes hissed against Derrick’s window. Cold seeped through cracks in his Dad’s stupid, sagging house and gathered around his ankles. He pulled his afghan off the bed and pulled it to his chin. The scratchy yarn smelled like gingerbread and sage incense. Like […]
Finding Christmas
The adults all succumb to the sleep at the same time. Our parents slump, boneless, to the floor. Teachers sag onto their desks, cashiers fall next to their registers, bike couriers tumble sideways and roll. The smallest children sleep as well. Babies curl on their mothers’ breasts, soft […]
We Wait, and We Hope
Stanley initiated a standard scan and watched the numbers scroll across his screen. "That’s not right," he muttered. He stopped the test and restarted it. He stared at the image on the screen. His mind drifted. He reached forward, and jumped when his fingers hit smooth plastic. […]