My story “The Sour Thread of Doubt” is available in the inaugural issue of The Sockdolager! It’s a fantasy story inspired by my trip to Peru a few years ago. An elderly priestess struggles to maintain her faith in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
I’m one of 10 finalists for the Jim Baen Memorial Short Story Award. Keep your fingers crossed for me–I’d love to win an actual trophy! That has never happened.
I had 25 short stories published in 2014–24 originals and one reprint. You can find links to them under “Writing Credits” if you’re so inclined. I had at least one story come out every month, which I think is pretty cool. I wrote a novella and some (but not nearly […]
Triangulation: Lost Voices opened for submissions today! Submissions are coming in, which is super exciting! I also have two new stories available! You can read “Beyond the Reach of Moonlight” online for free at Liquid Imagination, and pick up a copy of the latest issue of FictionVale to read my […]
A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about a painting that I saw in the Carnegie Museum of Art. Earlier this week, I got an email letting me know that the artist, Anselm Kiefer now has an Artsy page. If you like art, you should totally check it […]
I had a single-day weekend this week, but I feel like I made the most of it. Paul and I went to the Sci-Fi Spectacular at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra on Friday night. That was very cool–lots of great music and an appearance by George Takei. Then, on Saturday I […]
I didn’t want to put a long list of ideas or restrictions in my submission guidelines. As an author, I prefer simple guidelines, so that is what I decided to do for the actual submission page. Above anything else, I don’t want to discourage anyone. Send me your stories. I […]
In 2007, I got the first good news in my professional writing life–I won second place in the Parsec Short Story Contest. I was so excited that I literally had to go outside to hop around and giggle. The next year, Pete Butler asked me if I wanted to read […]