Yearly Archives: 2010

My first official blog post of the new schedule.  Now I get to ramble about all of the details of my life.  It’s exciting.  I know.  O_o I got new glasses yesterday.  They’re pretty sharp.  And I can also see better.  It’s very exciting.   I had lunch with my […]

Bliggity Blog

Jim’s communicator went silent again, and he spat one of Mr. Barrie’s curses.  "Where’s the observation post?"  Ronnie’s dad raked his hands through his thinning hair.  "It’s in an old part of the station.  It’s sealed off.  There shouldn’t be any way in."  "Well, she’s in a ventilation shaft.  One […]

Martian Adventures: Ronnie’s Birthday Part 4

I’ve been having serious issues with coming up with content for this site in the past month.  I feel like my quality has been slipping, and I feel like I’m putting in a lot of work for something that practically no one cares about.   I know my mom’s been […]


 Ronnie groaned.  Was that Jim?  He sounded far away.  "Ronnie!  Where are you?"  Thoughts slipped through Ronnie’s mind, slippery and hard to catch, like fish.  Something was wrong, she was sure of that.  She tried to rub her forehead. Pain exploded through her body.  Her arm was wedged beneath her […]

Martian Adventures: Ronnie’s Birthday Part 3

 Today, instead of a new story, I’m posting links to other places where you can read my work.   Space Squid issue 9 is out!  In it, you’ll find my story "Tiffany and the Unicorns."  You can download the PDF for free!   Also, The Living Dead 2 is out! […]

And Now for Something Completely Different