The Ferris wheel shuddered to a stop, and all the lights blinked out, one by one. When the ride started moving again, the cars were empty. Tractors roared and strained, and the crowd stared. No one noticed the bunnies escaping their pens, or heard when the screaming started. They found […]
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The queen of hearts twisted around on herself and escaped her paper prison. She didn’t get far, though, with two torsos and no legs. Sean had loved solitaire, but the game changed when the cards gained sentience. When he played on his computer, but the AI was just as bad. […]
Twitter Stories
Space monkeys swept into the room and carried off the muffins. Joe looked up from his Star Wars/Wizard of Oz fanfic. "That was weird." The sun went dark, and the Earth was shrouded in shadow. But then it came back, so everyone decided that it wasn’t worth worrying. Sam […]
Twitter Stories
The beat pulsed through Joy’s soul, vibrated her atoms. She lost herself in the music, and she didn’t find herself when the song ended. The cat raced around the room, chasing things humans couldn’t see. He captured his prey and laid it at their feet. They weren’t impressed. The […]
Twitter Stories
The Apollo slipped into the room through the cracks in the blinds. He traced his daughter’s cheek. The machines beeped. He felt powerless. The boat followed dolphins to an island where a silver ship was crashed into a palm tree. The alien stood and extended its hand. The […]
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The shopkeep stuffed a pigeon into a parakeet cage. Coos changed into sweet chirps. "Never let it out of its cage," he warned his customers. Ed wondered why he never saw baby pigeons. He found a rocky seashore, where round stones glowed in the moonlight. He never saw the sunrise. […]
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Molly watched as the sun grew small behind them. She was never going to feel its heat again. She missed it more than she missed her family. The AI woke Seth. It said it needed his help, and it kept him busy with little projects for years. When he died, […]
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Allie had no idea why her cousin put cowboys and Indians in his magic cupboard. It was obvious to her that they needed dinosaurs. The children reached the next step in evolution. After their minds expanded, they voted to bring back the dinosaurs and outlaw homework. They thought the creatures […]
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The fireworks paused all across the nation. The fuses fizzled for ten seconds, then they launched, and each one spelled "Hello, Earthlings." Lacy danced with sparklers in her hands, wishing they were fairies. Something brushed her eyelids, and she saw hundreds of dancing lights. Mary traced dark arcane symbols with […]
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The crystal slipper had a cracked toe. The prince had stepped on Cinderella’s foot after he’d joked about dirty peasants. "That’s not mine." Sleeping Beauty woke in an empty room. Where was her prince? She stood, her foot landing on human teeth. She fainted and woke alone again. After the […]