Pigeons crowded the sill outside of Sally’s window. They cooed and pecked at the glass until Sally couldn’t ignore them any longer. She flung the window open, and the bird scattered. They regrouped and swooped into Sally’s office. "What do you want?" she asked. They just stared at her with […]
The new queen looked down at her stepdaughter’s pallid face. She was a pretty baby, in her strange way. "Is she… healthy?" She touched the baby’s cheek. Her skin was cold as snow. The queen shuddered. "Healthy?" the doctor asked. He shrugged. "I can’t say. She’s doesn’t have the fever […]
Snow White
"I don’t want you going down to the stables anymore," Isaac’s mother said, standing in his doorway. "It isn’t safe for you, out every morning riding that monster." "He’s not a monster. Flame would never hurt me." Isaac turned away from her, hoping that she’d let the subject drop. "It’s […]
A Taste of Freedom
Cynthia positioned the pink party hat between Harold’s furry ears and carefully placed the elastic band under his muzzle. "Don’t know why we’re bothering," he muttered. "It’s her birthday!" Cynthia said. Harold shrugged his massive shoulders and sat back on his haunches. "She’s just going to roll her eyes and […]
The Birthday Bear
Benthamidia uncurled her pale, four-petaled pink flowers and drank in the sunshine. It was a perfect spring day–the air was warm and sweet, and the stream beneath her cool and swollen with melted snow. A human scrambled up her trunk, scraping her bark with his fingernails. Benthamidia shuddered under […]
The Lonely Dogwood
Alison crawled between the boards over the abandoned house’s broken window and picked her way across the bare, dusty floor. The winter air was cold and still and smelled like rotting plaster, but Alison caught the faintest hint of lilacs. The kitchen door swung open at Alison’s touch and she […]