1. Write more. This one is pretty simple. I didn’t do too badly in 2011–finished my first novel, wrote a decent number of short stories, but I want to do better in 2012. I’m not sure how hard this one will be to accomplish–I really do love writing, but finding time can get a little overwhelming. I might try to cut back on social activities in the coming year to make more time for my writing.
2. Submit more. I want to have at least 30 stories out on the market at all times. That means I have to write at least one new story every time I get one accepted.
3. Send queries to agents. I am really proud of my novel. Most people don’t get an agent with their first one, but I need to try.
4. Keep up with reading Clarkesworld submissions. I’m not working on Triangulation this year, so I should have plenty of time and mental energy to put into slush reading.