Mailing List!

I’m reading Cat Rambo’s Building an Online Presence for Writers as an early reader.

One of the things she suggests is setting up a mailing list, so I’m doing that. ^_^ You can sign up to the right, under the pretty pictures of book covers.

I promise not to flood your inbox. I’m mostly planning to announce new publications there, since I tend to announce sales as they happen, but I’m less good about letting you know when new things are available.

You should totally sign up.

About Jamie

Jamie Lackey lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and their cats. She has over 160 short fiction credits, and has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Escape Pod. She has a novella and two short story collections available from Air and Nothingness Press. In addition to writing, she spends her time reading, playing tabletop RPGs, baking, and hiking. You can find her online at

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